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Smart Home Automation – 6 BIG Advantages

Enhance what you love most about your home with added convenience, comfort, and peace of mind.

Smart Home Automation – Ordering a favorite meal, work projects, even the location of family members – it’s all in the palm of our hands. Why not our home? The advancement and accessibility of smart home technology puts running your home – your comfort, security, and many other functions, at your fingertips.

What Is Smart Home Automation?

Smart home technology refers to any suite of devices, appliances, and/or systems that connect into a home network, and can be controlled remotely and independently. Smart home solutions may include a home’s thermostat, lights, window treatments, audio speakers, TVs, appliances, security cameras, and locks. All these elements are connected into a common system. The entire system, and components individually, can be controlled from your smart phone or through a mobile touch screen device, allowing them to all be managed through a central control panel.

At Downeast Audio Video, we design smart home solutions using state-of-the-art products and software that are innovative, easy-to-use, and extremely useful. Our systems are intended to serve the  whole-home, customized to your needs, and deliver an unparalleled user experience.

6 BIG Advantages of Smart Homes

Smart home automation is more than just showing off the latest technology to your visitors. There are many practical (albeit amazing) advantages to updating your home with smart home features. Here are six of our favorite benefits:

Manage all your home devices from one place. 

Talk about simplifying and adding convenience! Being able to keep all of the various technology in your home connected through one interface is HUGE! You can streamline home management and only have to learn one app on your smartphone or tablet to tap into countless automated functions and home devices. AND you can do all this from wherever you are.

Integrate new devices and appliances seamlessly.

Smart home systems are very flexible when it comes to introducing new devices, appliances, and other technology. Today’s smart home systems are future-forward, planning for upgrades in appliance models over time, and new technology as it’s developed. Being able to integrate new devices and equipment seamlessly is an important consideration, and will allow you to keep updating your home to the latest lifestyle technology.

Optimize home security. 

The ability to incorporate surveillance and security features in your smart home network is one of the most important advantages. Talk about peace of mind! With smart home solutions, your home automation system can connect to surveillance cameras, motion detectors, automated door locks, and many other significant security measures throughout your home. Because it’s all on one network, you can activate them, review footages, and allow or limit access from one mobile device from wherever you are. You can receive security alerts on your smartphone at work, and monitor activities going on at home while away.

Control home functions remotely. 

While this is definitely a convenience, being able to control your home’s functions when you aren’t there can have a big impact in today’s hectic schedules. Order your air conditioning to cool your home before you get home from work. Have your oven start preheating while you stop at the store on the way home. Turn on lights outside before you have to walk up a dark driveway. You can check on fuel consumption, media usage, and save electricity, anytime, from anywhere.

Increase home energy efficiency. 

There are many smart home options that allow you to improve energy use and efficiency. Since you can more precisely control heating and cooling, your smart home thermostat will be able to make suggestions for the most energy efficient settings throughout the day. Motorized shades can keep out hot sun in summer, and allow its warming during colder months. Lights can automatically turn off or on with room activity so energy isn’t wasted.

Improve appliance use and efficiency. 

Smart appliances connected to your smart home system allow you to use those appliances to their optimal performance. Imagine if your oven could help ensure you never under or over cook the turkey?! Entertain guests effortlessly with an intelligent home theatre system. Run the dishwasher overnight automatically so dishes are clean and dry for the next day. There are so many ways that appliances and devices you already have can work more effectively and make your life easier and more enjoyable!

Downeast Audio Video Offers the Best in Home Automation Solutions

At Downeast, we work with Savant Smart Home Systems, Inc. products, which are superior in the market today. Savant builds on a spirit of innovation and strives to deliver not only the best experience in smart home and smart working environments, but also the latest in smart power technology. Through this partnership, we can offer smart home solutions that fit your specific needs at home and at work.

Call us today to discuss how we can help enhance what you love most about your home with a seamless automation experience.

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